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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Really LAPD?

Chris Dorner Car Jacking Victim: He Didn’t Want To Hurt Me | Breaking News for Black America
Like most of america i have been following this case. I have been left with many questions. do i agree with this young mans methods? no. do i understand his plight? absolutely. i believe that this was/is a wake up call for america. many people will not agree with me but hey who cares? i cannot see someone going to this extreme if they were guilty. also, i cannot see how the lapd can justify burning anyone alive. i dont care how many people he took out he deserve a trial. he knew that they would take him out hell anybody with sense knew they would take him out. however, to go out like this....i dont wish that on anyone. another question i have is how in the hell did the cabin burn for hours yet you find id with his name on it? really? i mean foreal? like really? things that make you go hmmm. this whole case to me has left me with more questions than answers.
posted by Dysfunctionally Functioning at 21:28 0 comments

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The bottom of the bottle

Its been a long few days. So today is Christmas and I just polished off a bottle. Tryna polish off another. I cant say I am sad or depressed just know Im something. Who spends Christmas Eve and Christmas arguing? I DO!!! about what? The fuck if i know. My husbands crazy insecurities I guess. All I could do was look at him in disbelief, laugh and keep drinking. I will definitely be feeling this shit in the mornning. I love my husband but this shit is ri damn diculous. and this shit is for the birds. How can you marry someone but you dont trust them? I dont do shit, go anywhere or hang out with anyone. hell the few people I know here he dont like. This is bullshit. I try hard just to chill the most I do is go to the store use that as my me time. I can browse without being rushed chill and free my mind. Did I mention this is some bullshit? Im not use to this. You can only love someone so much. If you fucked up and dont think you deserve it thats your problem not miine. Why drag someone else in this bullshit? So since I am in hell Idk where I am I just gonna get fucked up with no excuses and no apologies
posted by Dysfunctionally Functioning at 22:22 0 comments

Merry Christmas!

Happy Birthday Jesus and merry Christmas folks!! I hope it was a blessed one!
posted by Dysfunctionally Functioning at 21:29 0 comments

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Misery and the company who loves it

I am newly married. In the short time (7 weeks) I have learned so much. People do NOT respect the institution of marriage the way they use to. I have been warned numerous times that the first and seventh year of marriage is the hardest. Even though we lived together before this, it is different. My view is that marriage is sacred. A convenent with God that shouldnt be taken lightly. There are times that the hubby and I have misunderstandings and sometimes I need to vent. That is natural. What I have learned is that you cannot vent to everybody. It amazes me how people, family included are so quick to speak against a marriage instead of giving a word of encouragment. I have recieved more support from my single friends than I have from married ones. I knew going into this marriage that it wasnt going to be easy. We had strikes against us from the start. However, we did what we felt was the right thing to do. The people that we thought would be happy for us isnt/wasnt and the ones we thought would create problems havent. The other thing that I have learned is when you are trying to live a certain way every and anything that can try to come against it will and can. Your spouse should be your best friend without a doubt, but you do need at least one person to be an accountabiity partner. Someone who believes what you do and who will keep u in check. Without it things will be a lot harder than it could be. Misery loves company and will will try to drag you down to the firey pits right a long with it. keep folk out your business unless u know for sure they can be trusted.
posted by Dysfunctionally Functioning at 19:11 0 comments

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I had to share this. for all the single moms out there and those raised by a single parent I know u can relate.
posted by Dysfunctionally Functioning at 23:08 0 comments